Femme plurielle (Plural woman) (2021)

Intervention: Public artwork

Location: Parvis des droits de l'homme et de la laïcité, Champ Fleuri, Sainte-Clotilde, Saint-Denis, Réunion Island, Indian Ocean, Overseas France

Date: “Femme plurielle (Plural woman)” was officially launched on the 10th of December 2021 and will remain on site

Materials: photography, glass, basalt, mirrors, corten steel,leds

Dimensions: 8m long x 40cm high

Commission: Département de La Réunion, as part of the open call residency “Patrimoine et création” at l'Iconothèque historique de l'Océan Indien, , Saint-Denis (Reunion Island)
The show is part of SL's konstverksamhets (art projects) focused on art in public environments.

Support: Departament de Cultura Generalidat de Catalunya

Description: "Femme plurielle (Plural woman) " is a site-specific public art installation taking its inspiration from portraits of women from the Indian Ocean (East Africa, Mauritius, Madagascar, Seychelles, Comoros, Mayotte, Réunion), China and India from the 19th and 20th century. These different generations of women have forged the identity of the Reunion Island woman of today. These photographs come from the archives of Iconothèque Historique de l’Océan Indien. 20 faces of women of all ages, from different social backgrounds and origins, are displayed against a basalt background. These portraits intertwine, merge, play on the similarities and dissimilarities of a woman who could have been another. This portrait gallery has mirrors interspersed inviting passers-by to mingle their faces with these female icons from another time, frozen in stone. We don't choose our place of birth, our gender, our race, or our social status... It is up to everyone to build a more just society. "Femme plurielle" offers a historical perspective allowing us to project ourselves into a more equitable and egalitarian world. The condition of women has guided the artist's research and creation. The work is a tribute to the woman of Reunion, in her alterity, in her cultural richness, in her dignity.


Photos: Noemi Sjöberg

Parallel worlds (2020)

Intervention: Public artwork

Location: Skanstull Metro Station, Stockholm, Sweden

Date: January 1st, 2020 - Mars 31st, 2020

Materials: 4 screens with speakers, color and sound, HD

Dimensions: 10 m long x 3 m high

Curator: Nilo Amlashi,

Commission: Konstväxlingar, A matter of perception, Skanstull , Stockholm (Sweden)
The show is part of SL's konstverksamhets (art projects) focused on art in public environments.

Support: Trafikavdelning, Region Stockholm

Description: An imaginary territory where parallel realities, London and Essaouira, overlap and cross. A duplication of events, all occurring at once and interacting. A view of the world unlikely and distant but that paradoxically takes place day by day.


Photos: Hans Ekestang and Alex García

Plongeon (Dive) (2019)

Intervention: Site specific artwork/ public artwork

Location: Under the bridge “Pont du Garigliano”, Quai Louis Blériot, 16th arrondissement, Paris, France

Date: “Plongeon (Dive)” was officially launched on the 29th of August 2019 and will remain on site

Materials: A mural of 3552 tiles in ceramic

Dimensions: 22.20m long x 3.60 m high

Commission: The City of Paris, as part of the open call “Embellir Paris”

Support: Mosa

Description: “Plongeon (Dive)“ is a modified, pixelated black and white image from an archival photograph of a swimmer diving into the Seine in 1922 (Source: Agence Rol. / Bibliothèque nationale de France). The work realised as a ceramic fresco evokes the history of a site where, at the beginning of the 20th cen- tury, swimmers were numerous, especially during the race “La Traversée de Paris à la nage (Swimming across Paris)” in 1905 which was a distance of 11.6 km, from the bridge “Pont National” to the bridge “Viaduc d’Auteuil” (currently Pont du Garigliano). Like an apparition of a hidden memory which suddenly arises, by an optical effect, “Plongeon (Dive)” creates a relation with the distance, the take off and the testimony of a lived past. This work was installed in 2019 as part of the Embellir Paris call for projects launched by the City of Paris (France)
to promote initiatives and projects to embellish some Parisian spaces.


Photos: Henry Garat and Alex García

Noemi Sjoberg © 2024