Correspondance (Correspondence) [Featured project]

Noemi Sjoberg
Format: 2-channel video and sound installation Duration:30'45'' Sound art: Pierre Pulisciano Video art : Noemi Sjöberg Format: HD Synopsis: An experimental audiovisual project, born out of the research work carried out by the Laboratoire Musique et Informatique de Marseille on Temporal Semiotic Units (UST). USTs are sound figures whose musical meaning is expressed temporally. They are the result of a series of observations made in the practice of electroacoustic music. Each unit has a morphological and semantic description. This project presents the result of the illustration of the nineteen units listed in the book "Les UST, éléments nouveaux d'analyses musicales" published in 2003.For each UST, chosen randomly, the two artists work individually and without consultation on the sound and image over a given period with an imposed duration of 1 min 30. On the scheduled date, the video and music are assembled, with no changes made. The video sequences are filmed on Reunion Island, in New York, in Portugal... The musical composition is based on the deployment of sound objects created from field recordings, concrete sounds or synthesized sounds.


1 of December 2023 > 17 December 2023 Three video art works selected for FLUX 2023. Festival de vídeo d’autor: - A medida que pasa el tiempo (As time goes by) (2017) - Entre cel i terra (Between earth and sky) (2023) - Self-portrait (continuous change) (2020) Opening on December 1 at 6pm At EL BORN CCM Barcelona, Spain

20 of October 2023 > 14 jan 2024 Exhibition of the video and sound installation "Correspondence" at the group exhibition "La poésie n'est pas un luxe. C'est une nécessité vitale" Les Instants Vidéo, Friche Belle de Mai, Marseille, France

27 of September Projection of the video "Tehran" at Cinéma L’Univers - Lille, Carte Blanche à Heure Exquise , Lille, France

June 2023 The video artwork "One euro to jump now" received the Prize "Contemporary Talents" 12th edition, Fondation Francois Schneider, Wattwiller, France

2 of May 2023 Solo video exhibition program "Funny games" at , Dimarts de vídeo, curated by Dones visuals, Santa mònica, Barcelona, Spain

Noemi Sjoberg © 2024